How Specialist Accountants Help Businesses Through Tough Times

Someones hands on an Apple Mac Laptop wearing bracelets and a watch

Running a business is tough. When the economy turns south, it can be very difficult to maintain your business in an environment where there are fewer opportunities for growth. Couple that with the uncertainty of the pandemic and you get very tough times indeed. Fortunately, having a trusted specialist who understands the nuances of small […]

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Proposed Change for Sole Traders Accounting Period

Are you self-employed? Or are you a partner in a trading partnership? If you are, you should be aware of the proposed changes to the accounting period for unincorporated businesses. HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is proposing to change the way that unincorporated businesses (Partnerships and Sole Trades) are taxed, moving from a ‘current year’ […]

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Are Staff Social Events Tax-Free?

If the rules around social functions are followed, staff events like your end-of-year party, or your summer barbecue are tax-deductible for you, as the employer, and tax-free for your staff. This means you can claim back some of the expenses you incur when putting on a social event for your team, while also helping to […]

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Implementation of IR35

Implementation of IR35 to the private sector is looking more likely The draft finance bill was published on the 11th July 2019 and indicated that the implementation of the controversial IR35 legislation would go ahead and apply to the private sector from April 2020. The new legislation will impact an estimated 170,000 workers. From April […]

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