Contractor options post March 2020

Further details have been published recently on the launch of the IR35 and suggest there will be no delay as some contractors and businesses were hoping. The review which was announced last December primarily now appears to be focusing on the implementation issues rather than investigating a delay or scrapping this altogether. Here we remind […]

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C&M Accountants joins directory of UK’s top accountants

We are delighted to announce that we have been commended for our outstanding services to the contracting, self-employed and small business community in Bristol, making us the latest accountancy firm to join the Handpicked Accountants network. We are an independent accountancy practice based in North Bristol offering access to cloud accounting software, alongside our expert […]

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Implementation of IR35

Implementation of IR35 to the private sector is looking more likely The draft finance bill was published on the 11th July 2019 and indicated that the implementation of the controversial IR35 legislation would go ahead and apply to the private sector from April 2020. The new legislation will impact an estimated 170,000 workers. From April […]

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Employer Supported Childcare

Employer supported childcare, commonly by way of childcare voucher, is for many employers and employees a tax and national insurance efficient perk. We consider the implications of this type of benefit on the employer and employee. This scheme is due to end on the 4th October 2018 so action needs to be taken now to […]

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Xero · Why It’s Adding Up for Bristol Businesses

Xero arrived from New Zealand a decade ago and has been winning friends ever since. A recent change in leadership looks likely to result in cloud accounting embracing AI and small business finance. The concept of your accounting software pre-approving you for business finance is an interesting one. […]

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Don’t ERr in your claim

Entrepreneurs’ Relief (ER) has been with us for many years and provides a valuable relief – only a 10% rate of capital gains tax on lifetime gains of up to £10 million. However, as with everything in the world of tax, there are always niceties to be observed in order to ensure that you qualify […]

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Making Tax Digital !

You may have heard of this latest new initiative from HMRC sometimes referred to simply as MTD – here we look at what this is and how it will impact you and your business. […]

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Public Sector Contractors – all change from April 17!

Those who work in the public sector will be only too well aware of the additional scrutiny on the use of freelancers and how they operate their tax affairs. Over the last year, we have received calls from clients who have been asked to provide assurances about their IR35 status and tax affairs. Our advice […]

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Upcoming IR35 changes for contractors

The recent Autumn statement confirmed some major changes to the way that IR35 will be applied, in particular to the public sector. Here we will remind you what IR35 is about, what is changing and why there is a fear that the new reforms will leave a critical skill shortage of contractors in this sector. […]

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